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$50,000 attributed - urban design idea competition for the Quartier Latin

October 28 2013

$50,000 attributed for research and development to two laureates from the urban design idea competition for the Quartier Latin - architecture category

In French only - Dans le prolongement du concours d'idées « Réinventer le Quartier latin – Habiter le cœur d'un centre-ville animé » réalisé dans le cadre de l'élaboration du Programme particulier d'urbanisme du Quartier des spectacles, pôle du Quartier latin, la SHDM et l'arrondissement de Ville-Marie ont attribué récemment aux lauréats du volet architecture un mandat afin d'élaborer les concepts pour lesquels ils ont été primés au printemps dernier. La SHDM et l'arrondissement de Ville-Marie souhaitent ainsi concrétiser le développement de produits résidentiels urbains innovants pour répondre aux nouvelles façons d'habiter la ville.

Louis-Paul Lemieux, architecte de l'Atelier Ville Architecture Paysage, ainsi que l'équipe constituée de l'architecte Éric Boucher et du designer Dominique Poncelet, se voient ainsi octroyer par la SHDM un montant de 25 000 $ chacun afin de proposer de nouveaux concepts d'aménagement conciliant travail et habitation. Dans ce cadre, ils proposeront de nouveaux produits d'habitation qui répondent aux besoins spécifiques des créateurs du quartier. Cette démarche de recherche et développement vise à concevoir des lieux mixtes, jumelant un espace résidentiel pour accueillir les créateurs et leurs familles, avec un espace professionnel, incluant des ateliers de production/création artistique, ainsi que des lieux d'échanges ou d'exposition/vente, tout en respectant les principes du développement durable. Ce processus d'idéation vise notamment à proposer de nouvelles typologies d'habitation qui pourront servir de référence aux promoteurs qui voudraient soumettre des projets immobiliers dans le Quartier latin.

À propos du concours d'idées en design urbain

Lancé au printemps 2012 dans la foulée du Programme particulier d'urbanisme (PPU) du Quartier des spectacles, le concours d'idées en design urbain pour le pôle du Quartier latin invitait des professionnels des domaines de l'aménagement, de l'urbanisme, de l'architecture et du design à proposer des idées novatrices pouvant concourir à l'élaboration et à la mise en œuvre du PPU. Les deux lauréats pour le volet architecture ont été choisis par un jury composé de neuf professionnels en aménagement urbain.

Le programme particulier d'urbanisme du Quartier des spectacles – pôle du Quartier latin

Adopté à l'unanimité par le conseil municipal en mai dernier, le PPU du Quartier des spectacles – pôle du Quartier latin définit les grandes orientations d'aménagements du secteur autour de la vision « Vivre, apprendre, créer, se divertir ». Depuis, l'arrondissement a mis sur pied un ensemble de comités et de groupes de travail qui définira les priorités pour la mise en œuvre du PPU pour en faire un lieu emblématique, une destination incontournable et une vitrine culturelle exceptionnelle de notre métropole.

Source :
Patrick-Jean Poirier, chargé de communication, arrondissement de Ville-Marie, Tél. : 514 872-9350

Renseignements :
Anik de Repentigny, chargée de communication, arrondissement de Ville-Marie Tél. : 514 868-5255
Leslie Molko, porte-parole pour la SHDM, Tél. : 514 286-6033 poste 244



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Pursuant to the Accès Condos Agreement, the SHDM may revise the reference price for the purpose of evaluating the part of the reimbursable increase in value if the sale price does not reflect the property’s market value.

Time for processing and approval:
Up to 30 days after receiving all requested documents and information.

By clicking "Send my request", you consent to the SHDM processing the personal information contained in this form to manage your request. The way the SHDM collects, uses, communicates, and retains personal information collected in the course of its activities is detailed in the Personal Information section. You may withdraw your consent at any time and request access and/or correction of your personal information by writing to the following email address: [email protected]

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Approval of resale price

Does this transaction include a parking space?
Have you received the official purchase offer?
If yes, please attach a copy of the documents.
Attachment (if applicable to your situation, join the offer of purchase received)

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Time for processing and approval:
Up to 30 days after receiving all requested documents and information.

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Transfer between joint purchasers or assignment of property

Please attach the documents required for the evaluation of the application.
Copy of the acceptance letter from the financial institution to transfer the mortgage to the assignee
Bank statement confirming current outstanding loan balance
Copy of the deed of assignment

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Time for processing and approval:
Up to 21 days after receiving all requested documents and information.

By clicking "Send my request", you consent to the SHDM processing the personal information contained in this form to manage your request. The way the SHDM collects, uses, communicates, and retains personal information collected in the course of its activities is detailed in the Personal Information section. You may withdraw your consent at any time and request access and/or correction of your personal information by writing to the following email address: [email protected]

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Form for registering on the list of SHDM suppliers

In accordance with the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, to which the SHDM is subject as a public body, the supplier consents to the disclosure of his data entered in this registration form.

The SHDM appreciates your interest and thanks you for having filled out this form. By being on our list of suppliers, we will be able, if necessary, to invite you to send us a quotation (bid).
SHDM is under no obligation of any kind to suppliers who fill out the form.
Do you have any purchase-related questions? Email your questions directly to: [email protected]

At any time, consult our call for tender notices on the SEAO site at to check whether calls for tender in your area of activity have been posted by SHDM.

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Estimate the amount to be reimbursed to the SHDM

Breakdown of the value of your property i
To know the purchase price of your condo, refer to the notarized deed of sale of your co-ownership unit.X

  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20%
  • 10%
  • 15%
  • 20%

In the event of disparity between the amounts produced with this calculator and those of the statement of account produced by the SHDM, the latter has priority.

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When working in your home, we ask you to keep a distance of 2 metres from our employee, at all times.

Enter your postal address number and select the address that appears in the boxX
Leave the field blank if there is no apartmentX
Please indicate the phone number that will allow the attendant to reach you to schedule an appointmentX
An email address is required to track your service requestX
Select the nature of the service requested, by clicking on one of the choice presented below
If you have multiple service requests, please submit one form per request.X

Administrative request
Question regarding your lease access to the technician for internet, parking, mail, RL-31 slip, refund of a deposit, complaint, etc.

Request for repair
Electrical problems, plumbing, windows, doors, lock, intercom, plaster, painting, etc.

Request for cleaning and maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance of common areas, snow removal and maintenance of outdoor spaces, extermination, waste management: trash, recycling, food waste, etc.

Briefly describe the nature of your request:
Attachment (if necessary):
You can attach up to three files whose combined size does not exceed 20 MBX
In case of your absence, do you authorize the SHDM team to enter your home?

In all cases, a representative of the SHDM will contact you as soon as possible before going to your home.

By clicking "Send my request", you consent to the SHDM processing the personal information contained in this form to manage your request. The way the SHDM collects, uses, communicates, and retains personal information collected in the course of its activities is detailed in the Personal Information section. You may withdraw your consent at any time and request access and/or correction of your personal information by writing to the following email address: [email protected]

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